What's New


Consumer Interviews

Posted: August 15, 2016
Author: WCBA

Thanks to DeAnn from our Adult Training Facility for pulling together this video. It uses consumer interviews to look at how new regulations could impact workshops for Pennsylvania’s disabled.


David Marks Honored with UniqueSource Achievement Award

Posted: July 12, 2016
Author: WCBA

On June 13 UniqueSource® Products & Services (UniqueSource) hosted an evening filled with inspiration during the Embrace the Abilities Dinner, which also served as the organization’s 60th Anniversary celebration. A highlight of the event was the recognition of 25 outstanding Pennsylvania workers who were honored with UniqueSource Achievement Awards for…


Employee of the Year Award Nominee

Posted: May 5, 2016
Author: WCBA

Congratulations to our colleague, Clyde Bittner on being nominated for the 2016 Peter J. Salmon Employee of the Year Award. Each year, National Industries for the Blind (NIB) honors an individual who is blind and employed in NIB’s network of associated nonprofit agencies. Clyde was nominated based upon his qualifications…


Meet Karen Booley

Posted: December 16, 2015
Author: WCBA

Meet Karen Booley! Karen is production manager of the work activities center. She is responsible for overseeing document destruction, hard drive destruction and record management.


Connect With Us

Posted: September 20, 2015
Author: WCBA

We recently launched a new blog and updated our social media presence for the Westmoreland County Blind Association. Our goal is to provide new channels for you to communicate with us while also sharing information that might interest you. The pages will feature WCBA news, service information, featured employees, videos…