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In light of the recent tragedy in Orlando, Florida our Adult Training Facility individuals have requested to hold a Bake Sale/Lunch with all proceeds being donated to the victims and families. This charity event will be held on Friday, June 24th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Westmoreland County Blind Association parking lot at 911 South Main Street, Greensburg, PA.

These uniquely special individuals with their staff members diligently work so hard on baking products to sell such as pepperoni rolls, cookies, breads, fudge as well as hot dogs and haluski. Their biggest excitement and fulfillment comes from knowing that they are helping underprivileged or less fortunate individuals. Please consider joining us for this event to partner with some of the most selfless and amazing individuals.

The Adult Training Facility, which was started in 2008, is where individuals (20-60 years old) with intellectual disabilities work with a dedicated team to learn a variety of skills essential to everyday living. The WCBA offers the ATF consumer educational experiences, social development, daily living and survival skills, as well as vocational and prevocational training. Our consumers learn personal hygiene; basic household skills like cooking and laundry; social and community awareness through frequent field trips and participating in charitable work.

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