Services for the Intellectually Disabled

Adults with intellectual and physical disabilities find a welcoming place at WCBA, where we offer everything from life skills training to earning opportunities.

We support all participants in achieving greater independence and quality of life, and we share their pride in their accomplishments.

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Who We Serve

Blind and visually impaired residents of Westmoreland or Indiana counties who are at least 18 years of age and who meet financial and vision requirements. There is no charge to those who qualify. Persons receiving Medicaid are automatically eligible.

Specialized Services are offered in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind.

What We Offer

Specialized Services is all about supporting greater independence and quality of life for those who are blind or living with sight impairments. Our staff helps program clients to accomplish daily living activities, with services provided on an as-needed basis. If a client is interested in working, paid employment is available in WCBA’s Production Center for those with capacity to perform the associated tasks.

Here’s a sampling of services provided through this program:

  • Transportation to appointments
  • Reading and reviewing mail
  • Filling out paperwork and applications
  • Shopping for and with the individual

Many clients say program services are essential to feeling secure and maintaining a good quality of life, especially for those without family nearby or good access to public transportation.

Prevocational Services

Few things bring more satisfaction than doing a rewarding job well. WCBA offers opportunities for consumers to grow their independence and self-reliance by earning wages for piece work or sub-minimum wage positions. Those interested in paid employment have daily opportunities for life skills training and/or employment in the WCBA Production Center. Prevocational services are focused on enabling consumers to be successful in their work, whether at WCBA or in the broader community, by enabling them to:

  • Develop general non-job-specific skills
  • Learn to focus on following instructions and task completion
  • Develop fellowships and learn the importance of teamwork
  • Learn workplace safety, punctuality and peer interaction
  • Build good working habits in a true workplace atmosphere.

The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated every day by the large group of consumers who successfully perform a myriad of tasks in WCBA’s Production Center and receive paid compensation for their efforts. Nearly 100 consumers are currently working in the Production Center to provide services such as shredding, paper sorting, foam separation, hook production, and bracket assembly.

WCBA is also currently partnering with the Cambria County Association for the Blind and Handicapped (CCABH) to employ persons with disabilities through assisting in their manufacturing needs.  WCBA employees are producing products for the solar, mining, and safety industries which include metal products, sewn webbing hangers and brackets.

Adult Training Facility

Enjoyment of life often includes spending time with friends and being part of a community. WCBA offers the choice of daily opportunities for individuals to learn new skills, spend time with friends at WCBA, and engage with the broader community. Continuous training and education are essential tools by which these consumers can grow and achieve independence.

Activities include:

  • Functional academics
  • Exercise and music therapy
  • Daily life skills
  • Science experiments
  • Literacy and math activities
  • Arts and crafts

These activities promote the development of skills for daily living and survival, personal hygiene, basic household tasks like cooking and laundry, and participation in community activities.

For the past two years, the ATF has participated in the “Adopt a Planter Program” offered by the Greensburg Community Development Corporation. This program allowed our consumers the opportunity to water hanging flower baskets along South Pennsylvania Avenue in Downtown Greensburg. It gave them a sense of purpose and pride as they made a meaningful contribution
in their community in a way that was visible to all.

ATF participants also assist in the shopping trips needed for WCBA events/parties and participate in fundraising activities. The fundraising proceeds are used to support their participation in community events and activities.


WCBA provides weekday, door-to-door van transportation for participants in Prevocational Training and the Adult Training Facilities who (1) reside in Westmoreland County and (2) are living at home with family, on their own, or in a personal care home. Vans are handicapped accessible, and all drivers have successfully completed background checks. The transportation service is billed through the individual’s waiver program.

Personal Assistance, Companion, Community Habilitation Services

WCBA is also a provider for home-based services, which are typically coordinated with Westmoreland Case Management or a similar agency. Individuals with PFDS waiver funding can receive Companion and In-Home Community Habilitation Services. Personal Assistance Services are available for those with OBRA funding. These services allow individuals the opportunity to
engage in supervised leisure and social events in the community.

Companion Services provides the individual with an aide to accompany them to activities of their choosing, such as shopping, bowling, going to a movie, etc. There are no specific goals attached to these services. Personal Assistance Services are similar to those provided through Companion Services.

In Community Habilitation, the majority of time is spent in the individual’s home, working on goals developed by the individual in collaboration with a supports coordinator. Goals might include cooking, house cleaning, financials, and getting to and from doctor’s appointments. There is some opportunity for community activities as well.

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What Others Are Saying About the WCBA

“WCBA offers a unique workplace for individuals with disabilities. They have a sense of purpose from coming to work and earning money. It is also a place where they have friends and can have fun.”

“WCBA is a non-profit organization that provides a safe and enjoyable work place for people with intellectual disabilities seeking employment opportunities.”

Woman with down syndrome pointing toward text


WCBA’s Pre-Vocational Work Activity Center has increased their Consumer base by over 100 percent in the past five years.

WCBA’s Adult Training Facility provided over 38,000 units of service in the past year.

WCBA provided 7,861 transportational trips last year.