Prevention of Blindness

Vision problems are best identified early in life, when many can be addressed and resolved.

To meet this important need, WCBA offers free vision screenings for children to aid in the detection of vision problems such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), strabismus and other eye conditions. These screenings are an important early alert and encouragement for scheduling a comprehensive eye exam with a doctor where needed.

Get In Touch

Vision Screening for Children

Who We Serve

Young children attending daycares, preschools, or kindergartens in Westmoreland and Indiana County, by pre-arranged appointment with the location.

What We Offer

WCBA remains committed to promoting and preserving eye health and vision for young children in Westmoreland and Indiana counties. Visual cues comprise 80 percent of what a child learns before age 12, and undetected vision problems can manifest as signs of learning disabilities. This makes early detection especially important. Once vision problems are identified, they are often correctable with the help of an eye care professional.

A team from WCBA provides vision screenings for children every Wednesday morning at locations in Westmoreland and Indiana counties. WCBA offers the screenings at no charge, and many facilities request a team visit every year. Screening visits also can be requested by the hosting facility. Most screenings are done in the fall, but they can be performed any time of year.

The team uses an effective, painless electronic screening tool, and a simple pass/fail result is recorded for each child. If a potential vision problem is identified, a full eye examination by a doctor is recommended. The focus is on catching issues early. It’s an effective partnership, as illustrated by a recent thank you from a director who said several of the children got glasses as a
result of their screening follow-up.

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What Others Are Saying About the WCBA

“WCBA is a hidden powerhouse, full of happy consumers that just love to come to work. You’ll find them doing many different jobs under one roof.”

“WCBA is a non-profit organization that provides a safe and enjoyable work place for people with intellectual disabilities seeking employment opportunities.”

Woman with down syndrome pointing toward text


WCBA needs an additional $30,000 annually to fund its Specialized Services and Prevention of Blindness services.

Strabismus is a failure of the two eyes to maintain proper alignment and work together as a team. One or both eyes can turn inward, upward, outward, or downward and is often referred to as “eye cross.” Affecting 2-5% of children, if left untreated, strabismus can lead to impaired depth perception, amblyopia (“lazy eye”), or even vision loss.

WCBA provided 7,861 transportational trips last year.